Selecting the right Camera Equipment. Make the right choices, with unbiased advice to save you time and money.
Selecting the right Camera Equipment. Make the right choices, with unbiased advice to save you time and money.
Whilst it’s very exciting to be in a position to purchase, or upgrade your camera equipment, it can also be quite a daunting prospect. Like a lot of things in technology, there are just so many options, so many variables and so many consequences to consider.
In this 2 hour Tutorial we cut through the confusion and we add real clarity to your decision making process. We work through a checklist of the essential factors to consider prior to parting with your money. We investigate your Photographic needs, wants and desires and uncover your Dominant Buying Motives. We investigate the merits of the contending products and produce a purchase strategy. We look at the merits of buying second hand and consider the ways to minimise issues which can arise from this option. This Tutorial really does have the potential to save you a lot of money and is totally unbiased towards any camera equipment manufacturer or dealer.