
Welcome to the Guided Courses and Tutorials Overview.

It's here that you'll find the information needed to help you to get the most from this exciting Guided Learning Programme. You can view the Learning Agenda for each Course and Tutorial in the sub headings of the Menu.


These Courses and Tutorials are designed to provide a flexible, yet secure ‘stepping stone’ approach to your Photography Learning. Technical, and creative aspects are carefully balanced, in a Syllabus which will enable you to develop not only as a Photographer, but also as an Artist.

Each Tutorial compliments the next, to form a clear and structured path to achieving your Photography goals. You'll be amazed at how quickly you’ll be taking your photography to another level.

Being modular in design, this Learning Strategy offers a high level of flexibility. This means that you can:

  • Take a whole Course, or any part of a Course.

  • ‘Mix and Match' Tutorials from any of the Courses, to form your own Personalised Learning Strategy.

  • Take Tutorials in isolation to fill gaps in your Photography learning/experience.

  • Select a Generic Course, or choose from Five genre biased options (You'll find these options listed further down the page).

  • Change the 'Experience’ Level at any stage in your Course or Tutorial. .

  • Select a ‘Specialist’ Course to suit your Advanced or Expert needs.

Experience Levels

If you’re just starting out in the wonderful world of Photography, look out for the Foundation and Intermediate options in the Courses and Tutorials.

If you're an experienced Photographer, look out for the Advanced and Expert options in the Courses and Tutorials, as well as the options in the Specialist Series.

Should you feel that you would like to have a less intensive learning experience, why not try a Guided Photography Experience Day, details of which can be found under the appropriate page titled ‘Guided Experience Days'.

Your Tutor

All of the Courses and Tutorials are Guided and Tutored by myself. You can find out more about me by visiting my ‘About’ page.

Guided Tuition

All Courses and Tutorials are Guided, this means that I will show you some of the best locations for Photography opportunities and will be with you to take you through the Learning Agenda, providing you with ‘in the field' assistance to aid your understanding and learning of the techniques and concepts covered in the Tutorial/Course.

How to select the best Course/Tutorial for your experience level.

Within each Course and Tutorial there are up to Four Experience Levels:

1) Foundation

2) Intermediate

3) Advanced

4) Expert

Below each of the Course Headings you will find a recommendation of the Experience Level suggested for the Course. There's a key to these Experience Levels further down this page.

Where it is stated that the Course/Tutorials are suitable for all Experience Levels, they will cover the same subjects but the complexity of the subject matter covered will be relative to the Experience Level that you select.

In addition to the above Courses and Tutorials, there are additional Courses and Tutorials for the Advanced/Expert Photographer in the Specialist Series. This Series offers either a multi genre course of fifteen, two hour Tutorials or a ‘focused’ genre specific Course of three, 2 hour Tutorials.

Which Course is For You?

To find the Course most suitable for your needs and experience, please read the information below, as well as the individual Course Description. I am always on hand to discuss the Courses with you, so please don't hesitate to contact me via the contact page.

The following is a guide to which version of the course you are likely to feel most comfortable with:

The ‘Foundation’ Series is ideal if you have recently taken up Photography, or if you normally use the fully automated settings of your camera and wish to take more control of the outcome of your images. If you are in the process of deciding which camera or lens is best suited for your needs then this Series will also be ideal for you.

The 'Intermediate' Series is ideal if you are comfortable with the basic settings of your camera and are begining to experiment with the various Control Modes: Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and Manual.

The ‘Advanced’ Series is suitable if you have a good working knowledge of your camera, lenses and peripheral equipment. As well as a good understanding of compositional techniques, and are comfortable influencing the outcome of your image using variations of the 'Exposure Triangle' and 'Depth of Field' techniques.

The 'Expert' Series is provided for the experienced photographer who wishes to refine their skills to a high Technical and Creative standard.

The ‘Specialist' Courses are ideal if you are an experienced photographer and you wish to specialise in any one of the five genres detailed in this Courses Description. These genres have been selected for their collective contribution to a supportive structure of knowledge, skills and experience which form a sound educational foundation for specialising in most Photography Genres.

Subject Matter/Genre

With the exception of the Specialist Series (which is genre specific) each Course and Tutorial can be biased to suit any of Five Genre options. At the checkout you will be prompted to select one or more of these options. Should a genre which interests you, not be listed then please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your requirements. You can select from the following Five genres:

1) Landscape Photography

2) Woodland Photography

3) Nature Photography (inc. Close Up and Macro)

4) Street Photography

5) Natural Light Portraiture Photography

*Pease note that for the Natural Light Portraiture option there is a third party charge of £65 (inc vat) per Tutorial, to cover the cost of a model which would be required for at least one of the Tutorials. If you would rather not pay for a model, the next best option would be the Street Photography option, where we can concentrate on ‘Street Portraiture'

** Please also note that the Street Photography and Natural Light Portraiture options are the most sensitive to Covid19 restrictions and may be affected by more frequent interruptions to their availability.

‘One to One’, ‘Small Group’ Guided Tuition and Guided ‘Photography Retreats’

I offer ‘One to One' and ‘Small Group' Guided Tuition as well as Guided ‘Photography Retreats'. (Please note that whilst *Covid19 restrictions are in place, only ‘One to One' Guided Tuition is available). *You will find further information concerning Covid19/ Health & Safety Policy at the bottom of this page.

*Please note that I can currently accept bookings for Two People in the following two scenarios:

1) Where a Parent, Carer or Guardian wishes to participate in the Course, Tutorial or Experience Day with an under 18 member of the same Household/Support Bubble. (For Special Offer please visit the separate pricing page).

2) Where two people from the same Household/Support Bubble wish to participate in a Course, Tutorial or Experience Day. (For Special Offer please visit the separate pricing page).

The Locations/Venues

Due to Covid19 restrictions all locations/Venues are currently situated in the beautiful County of Hampshire, England. They have been carefully selected to provide appropriate, and highly inspirational subject matter for the genre of the Tutorial/Course. Should there be a need to make amendments to the locations (due to weather/travel conditions), I will give as much notice as possible.


Please do not hesitate to let me know about your accessibility preferences. Whilst all Courses and Tutorials have options suitable for a wide range of needs, it's important that we communicate to avoid any assumptions being made.

Lunch and refreshments

Whilst Covid19 restrictions are in place, the prices for the Courses, Tutorials and Experience Days have been adjusted to reflect that lunch and refreshments are not included in the package. It’s important to keep well fuelled and hydrated in a learning environment, so please don't forget to bring a packed lunch and refreshments with you.

Course/Tutorials Times

Please note that the following times are for ‘One to One’ Guided Tuition only. Once lock down restrictions are lifted I will update this website with details of Small Group Courses and Tutorials as well as Residential Retreat Workshops.

Two hour Tutorials are available between 10:00hrs and 18:00hrs (you can choose your preferred start time, subject to availability).

A Full Course of six, two hour Tutorials takes place over two days, commencing at 10:00hrs and finishing at 17:00hrs each day (the days can be staggered or consecutive and, subject to weather conditions, time of year, and availability, there is flexibility in the times by prior arrangement). There is also an option to take the Course over two staggered days (with any interval between) or over a weekend.

The Specialist Course of 15, two hour Tutorials, takes place over four days, commencing at 10:00hrs and finishing at 17:00hrs each day (the days can be staggered or consecutive and, subject to weather conditions, time of year, and availability, there is flexibility in the times by prior arrangement).

The Specialist 'Focused' Course offers the Five genres covered in the Specialist Course as individual Courses of Three, two hour Tutorials. For further information, please see the Course description.

Supplementary Tutorials are also available, they can be added to the Courses as 'Optional Extras’, and include:

The Sunrise or Sunset Tutorial (Times are dependent on the time of year).

Select the right Camera/Equipment. Whatever your experience this is a fantastic opportunity to get some high quality unbiased advice which could save you a lot of money. A two hour Tutorial exploring the best options for your style of photography and budget, this also includes advice on buying used equipment. This Tutorial can be added to at least one other Tutorial or added to a Course or replace any Tutorial within a Course.


For a full break down of prices, including some cost saving options. Please see the separate pricing page or visit my Shop.

Course Structure

Unless otherwise stated, each Course is made up of Six Tutorials (a ‘One to One' Tutorial is 2hrs in length and a ‘ Small Group Tutorial’ is 3hrs in length).

Learning Agenda

The learning agenda for each of the Seven Courses and the 60+ Tutorials can be viewed in the separate Sub Headings in the Courses and Tutorials Menu.

Learning Styles

To get the best from the Courses and Tutorials it is important that we know your prefered Learning Style. Prior to commencement of your first Course/Tutorial, you will be sent a link to an online Questionnaire which will allow you to discover your preferred Learning Style.

Here is a guide to the main Learning Styles and the way in which I cater for them in my Courses and Tutorials:

  • Visual: If you have this learning style then you’ll prefer seeing/observing things. You’ll typically work best from lists, written directions and instructions and your Tutorials will have an emphasis on frequent pauses for note taking and reading of the course notes.

  • Auditory: With this learning style, you’ll prefer the transfer of information to be via the spoken word or through sounds and noises and your Tutorials will have an emphasis on a thorough explanation before moving to the next point.

  • Kinaesthetic: This is a practical, hands on learning style. People who are kinaesthetic learners prefer the physical experience and often like to experiment first, rather than read the instructions and your Tutorials will have a bias towards more practical work than the theory.

Course Literature

A Course Work Book is provided for each Course, the appropriate pages are issued in pdf format at the time of each Tutorial and include the appropriate 'out of hours’ Assignments.


Each of the Tutorials within a Course has an attached Assignment (completed ‘after hours’) this Assignment is designed to consolidate your learning from the Tutorial. Completed Assignments are either reviewed at the next Tutorial or, in the case of 'back to back' Tutorials, via ‘Zoom’ Call, within Four Weeks of the end of the Course/Tutorials.

Content Practical/Theory Ratio

With respect to Practical/Theory learning content, the default of the Tutorials is around 50/50. This ratio is adapted to suit your Learning Style and is dynamically adjusted throughout the Tutorial/Course to suit your Learning needs.

Personalised Learning Programme

Whilst I am confident that you will find a Learning Path which will be ideal for your needs, aspirations and budget, should you wish to take advantage of a Personalised Learning Programme, I would be delighted to work with you to produce one (this service involves 'Mixing and Matching' Tutorials from differing courses to build a series of Tutorials which suit your needs).


Please bring your camera, lens/lenses and associated equipment suitable for the genre that you have selected eg. tripod, filters, camera bag etc. If you don't have the equipment, or you feel that your equipment might not be suitable, please don't hesitate to contact me and we can look at the options. There will be the opportunity to shoot for several hours, so don't forget your memory cards and batteries. Depending on the location and weather, we will also need to consider appropriate footwear/clothing/safety wear. Further information about suitable clothing and safety equipment can be found in the Health and Safety/Covid19 section below.

Age Guidlines

Courses and Tutorials are suitable for ages starting from 12 years. All under 18’s must be accompanied by a Parent, Carer or Guardian. Please note that there is an age restriction for residential Courses of 18 years old.

Parents, Carers and Guardians

Parents, Carers and Guardians are welcome. Please complete the appropriate details for Parents, Carers and Guardians in the Health and Safety form which will be emailed to the address provided at the time of booking (all personal information is gathered and used in accordance with the privacy policy detailed below). (Whilst Covid19 restrictions are in place please comply with the prevailing Government Support Bubble rules). Should a Parent, Carer or Guardian wish to actively participate in an Experience Day, Course or Tutorial, please note that I offer a Special Family/Guardian/Carer Rate which can be found in the Pricing section of this website. Please note that this arrangement will need to be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with relevant Covid19 restrictions.

Health & Safety

I treat the subject of your health and safety very seriously. There are a number of hazards involved in the types of locations we might visit and which require special consideration. You will be provided with a Health and Safety briefing in your pre-course work book which will be emailed to you prior to the commencement date of your Course/Tutorial. There will also be instructions concerning appropriate Clothing, Footwear and Equipment to bring/wear to your Learning Venue.

COVID19 I will conduct my interaction with you in line with the Government Covid19 guidelines which are in force at the time. Please be prepared to adhere to these guidelines and to bring appropriate P.P.E. relevant to your health risk status. I will do the same and will provide sundry items such antibacterial wipes (for opening gates etc.) and circumstances where any unavoidable contact with your camera or equipment takes place. If either you, or I, experience symptoms prior to, or during the Course/Tutorial we must inform each other immediately and curtail the session.

Privacy Policy

I value your custom, and being a customer myself, I understand how important it is to know that my identity and personal details are in safe hands.

Any information or personal details supplied to Simon James Davies Photography will remain with Simon James Davies Photography, compliant with the data protection act 2018.

My website is powered by Squarespace, cookies are used to maintain a smooth browsing experience and for analytical purposes only. To protect your financial information, I only use Paypal U.K. to process payments and refunds.

Simon James Davies Photography will not sell, or give your personal details, or information to any other person or entity.

Simon James Davies Photography would occasionally like to offer you special deals and discounts through an e-mail newsletter. If you do not wish to receive such communications please let me know and I will withdraw you from the mailing list.


Please do not hesitate to contact me (via the contact link at the bottom of this page) if you have any questions or concerns, no matter how small.

Book Your Place

To Book Your Course/Tutorial please use the 'enquire about dates’ link at the bottom of this page, or contact me via the contact link. Once we’ve agreed a time and date, just visit my shop and follow the payment instructions to confirm your place.