Course Three: Light Composition, and most importantly, Emotion (Advanced & Expert Series)
Course Summary
In the previous Course, our learning was concerned with the practical, and the tangible aspects of Photographic Composition. We explored Five different ‘Rules of Composition’ and have learned to enhance these concepts by applying an additional 12 elements of Photographic Composition. We learned to employ semi physical components of composition, like negative space and implied lines. We’ve also learned how to use the concept of R.E.V.E.R.E to provide a framework for our thought process before, during and after we release the shutter.
In this Course we look at the intangible aspects of composition. We consider the ways that our images can communicate with the viewer, and the control we have over the messages they transmit. We consider what it is that puts the ‘Art’ in the Art of Photography, and we explore how we harness what might well be the most powerful element of Photographic Composition.
It's suggested that good composition occurs when the visual perception areas of our brain detect an aesthetic order, and balance. So it seems that we're ‘hard wired' to recognise a nice picture when we see it, although we might not always be in complete agreement about it.
We consider the attributes a scene must include in order that we might experience a favourable connection with our audience. Our findings uncover that composition isn't just about order, and balance, it's also about visual symphony, something which explains how it's possible to create amazing compositions from the most chaotic, unbalanced and disordered scenes.
This Course involves intense practical work, requiring fast creative reactions, considered artistic judgement, supported by the knowledge and concepts referred to in this summary.
Review of Assignment Twelve (If applicable).
Advanced & Expert: The language of Composition (Part One) (Theory and Practice).
Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Thirteen (assignment brief provided on location).
Review of Assignment Thirteen.
Advanced & Expert: The delivery of Composition (Part One) (Theory and Practice).
Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Fourteen (assignment brief provided on location).
Review of Assignment Fourteen.
Advanced & Expert: The Symphony in Composition. (Theory and Practice).
Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Fifteen (assignment brief provided on location).
Review of Assignment Fifteen.
Advanced & Expert: The delivery of Composition (Part Two) (Theory and Practice).
Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Sixteen (assignment brief provided on location).
Review of Assignment Sixteen.
Advanced & Expert: The language of Composition (Part Three) (Theory and Practice).
Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Seventeen (assignment brief provided on location).
Review of Assignment Seventeen.
Advanced & Expert: The Symphony in Composition (Part Two) (Theory and Practice)
Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Eightteen (assignment brief provided on location).