“Success gave me confidence as an Artist, and now I'm able to do anything I want, without anyone thinking it's dumb” Amy Lee

Course Four: Be Your Own Best Critic (Intermediate, Advanced & Expert Series)

Course Summary

It's natural for us to want to improve ourselves, it's something which we see in so many 'walks of life'. Most areas of Human endeavor have a clear and consistent means with which to measure progress and success; factors which are essential if we are to maintain direction, focus and interest.

The measurement of progress, quality, or success in Photography, like many of the Arts, tends to be a more subjective experience. One person might judge a photograph, or piece of art by it's technical precision, whilst another might be more concerned with a particular ‘look', ‘feel’ or 'style’. With so many genres in the world of Art and Photography, and so many different audiences, with differing expectations, things can get very confusing. This level of 'subjectivity’ can present a range of challenges for the Artist, and the Photographer, which can lead to confusion, insecurity and ‘loss of direction'.

‘Artistic insecurity' is a difficult place to be, particularly when developing your skills, your style and your confidence. This isn't a new phenomenon, it's a challenge which has been faced since the dawn of Art. Consider how different the world of Art might look today, had some of the many thousands of ‘lost’ Artists, not been afflicted in the same way. It’s sad to think that we will never know their names, or see the many ‘Great Works' that there may have been.

In this Course and Tutorials we work towards ‘Artistic Security’, we look at the lessons of the past, we challenge our perception of our audiences perception, and we produce the criteria with which we can measure and assess our work. Along the way, we investigate ‘the styles' which we have an affinity with, and we discover how these influence us, both positively and negatively.

This Course is ‘waymarked’ by Six Tutorials, each dedicated to an important 'sign post’ of Artistic 'intelligence’. We take what we learn from each, and produce our own personalised ‘Critiquing Blue-Print’. With it, we can measure our progress, and our success by the criteria we set for ourselves, and which is relative to our intended audience.

By the end of this Course you will have developed your Artistic Judgement and you will experience the freedom of Artistic security, using a logical, factual and arbitrary strategy to critique your work. In doing so, you will break free of the shackles of “Maybe”, “Just in case”, “It has potential” and “but I like it”.


  • Review of Assignment Eighteen (If applicable).

  • Intermediate, Advanced and Expert Our Artistic/Technical Aspirations (Theory and Practice).

  • Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Nineteen (assignment brief provided on location).


  • Review of Assignment Nineteen.

  • Intermediate, Advanced and Expert: Audience Expectations (Theory and Practice).

  • Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Twenty (assignment brief provided on location).


  • Review of Assignment Twenty.

  • Intermediate, Advanced and Expert: Artistic/Technical Trajectory (Theory and Practice).

  • Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Twenty One (assignment brief provided on location).


  • Review of Assignment Twenty One.

  • Intermediate, Advanced and Expert:

    Artistic/Technical Similitude (Theory and Practice).

  • Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Twenty Two (assignment brief provided on location).


  • Review of Assignment Twenty Two

  • Intermediate, Advanced and Expert: Artistic/Technical Individuality (Theory and Practice).

  • Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Twenty Three (assignment brief provided on location).


  • Review of Assignment Twenty Three

  • Intermediate, Advanced and Expert: Audience Engagement (Theory and Practice)

  • Learning and Demonstration of the skills required for completion of Assignment Twenty Four (assignment brief provided on location).